The 403 Forbidden error is another HTTP Status code that means you cannot access the requested pages because it is not allowed for some reason. There are many possibilities for the reason for the page or website to be forbidden. The error message is … [Continue reading]
Correct the 401 Unauthorized Error
The 401 Error is a common HTML Error Code you may encounter while surfing on the Internet. The error is usually shown because the page you are trying to access requires authentication. If you do not login with a good username and password, then you … [Continue reading]
Sell Cell Phone – Quick Ways to Sell your Iphone or Any Phone
You got that brand new shinny toy and chances are you have already put it to use. It's likely you are reading this on that nice sexy piece of technology. We have your back when it comes to selling your phone for the most amount of cash. First … [Continue reading]
How to Clear DNS Cache
Your DNS cache stores the locations of servers and web servers that you have recently viewed. These locations are the IP addresses of the places you have visited with a translation into a fully qualified domain name. If the location of the server … [Continue reading]
Correct 400 Bad Request Error
The 400 Bad Request error is one of the more common HTTP status codes that you will encounter. It basically means that the server does not understand the request that you are making to it. The wording of the error is different depending on the … [Continue reading]
PackageTracer Toolbar Removal
PackageTracer Toolbar is another toolbar running amok on the Internet that serves no benefit other than to cause you grief. The toolbar is put out by MindSpark which is responsible for some other crapware like FunCustomCreations and EasyDocMerge. … [Continue reading]
Interesting tidbit about app indexing for both Apple and Google. Google already has put into motion ways of indexing an app which may prove to be a boom for apps that have user generated content. Providing that content can be parsed and delivered … [Continue reading]
Coupcoup Malware Removal
Coupcoup is another adware application that is put out by JustPlugIt, and it is sure to annoy you as much as the other pieces of computer junk that is created with that software. If you find evidence of this on your PC, you will want to remove it as … [Continue reading]
HTTP Status Codes Primer
There are times when you are browsing the Internet where you may get some cryptic messages rather than the page you were expecting. Chances are you are receiving a page from the web server where the site is hosted that details an error message that … [Continue reading]
How To Restart a Computer
Shutting down a computer has to be done a certain way. There is a right way and a wrong way to restart a computer. If you do it the incorrect way over time you can actually cause damage to your hardware, files and operating system. Pushing the power … [Continue reading]