Oracle 1Z0-808 is a highly valuable test that is recognized globally. It is an Oracle certification exam that is not easy to pass. Proper preparation using the best resources is the only way to excel in it. Thus, you are preparing to take the Oracle … [Continue reading]
Six Elements to Look out for to Secure Your Containerized Cloud-Based App Workloads
Cloud security remains a major concern for SMEs around the world. Some experts have trivialized the issues. A study from Gartner states that 95% of cloud security issues will be the fault of the customers through 2022. However, some of the risks on … [Continue reading]
Understanding the Basics of IoT Interfaces
The Internet of Things is one of the biggest developments over the last few years. It was a concept I had not even heard of until 2013, even though I have an engineering degree. But it has made a huge impression on the digital technology industry … [Continue reading]
Using Aero Peek for Better Access to Your Desktop
I remember using Windows for the first time during my sophomore year in high school. It has come a long way since then! The first version of Windows I remember using (3.1) wasn’t very user-friendly. Fortunately, Microsoft is always looking for ways … [Continue reading]
HR Software Market to Reach $30 Billion as New Solutions Introduced
The market for HR software applications is growing at a tremendous pace. One study predicts that the market will be worth $30 billion by 2025. The benefits of HR software are indisputable, as a growing number of companies are starting to … [Continue reading]
Updated List of Cybersecurity Best Practices for 2019
Online scams are becoming frighteningly common. The FBI released a report in 2018 showing that losses from online scams exceeded $1.4 billion the previous year. I know a number of people that have been victims of online fraud in recent years. … [Continue reading]
Amazon and Realogy Join Forces To Match Buyers with Agents Through “Turnkey”
Amazon has proven themselves over time to be a global phenomenon for customers looking for quick purchases. It is no wonder they generated $200 billion in sales last year. This is a great gift for consumers in cultures like the United States, which … [Continue reading]
Advances in Big Data Drive Demand for SQL and Data Programmers
The online programming industry is lucrative and growing rapidly. In the United States, programmers ear over $100,000 a year. Qualified experts are so scarce around the world that it has become the star topic at executive and recruiter meetings. … [Continue reading]
Selecting the Perfect Linear Actuator
Linear actuators are very useful power conversion devices. The market is growing rapidly. Internally, a linear actuator consists of an electric motor with a reducing mechanism that consists of several gears and an endless screw. The screw pushes … [Continue reading]
SIP-Telephony: the Idea, Principles of Work, Main Advantages

SIP trunking is a rapidly growing technology that is changing the way we communicate with each other. According to Infonetics Research, an estimated 45% of people are using some form of SIP technology to communicate. Most people heard something … [Continue reading]