If you like streaming content when overseas or want to protect your privacy while browsing the web, you may well have come across the terms Smart DNS or VPN. Depending on your requirements, one works better than the other. Choose the wrong one, … [Continue reading]
Technological Breakthroughs Could Spare Millions from COVID-19
Computer technology has helped society conquer countless challenges over the last 40 years. The most recent problem computers have played a role in addressing is the COVID-19 pandemic. Policymakers and health experts have recognized the growing … [Continue reading]
A Guide to LED Screens
A Guide to LED Screens These days, there are countless different ways to grab a potential customer’s attention. Low prices, lots of advertising, an excellent product range are all traditional means of getting that possible client into your … [Continue reading]
What I Learned from a Major Web Design Project in Mexico
I recently had the honor of working closely with a major digital marketing company in Mexico. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, I had to socially distance and work remotely of course. However, I learned a lot of great things about the principles of web … [Continue reading]
How to watch any online show from anywhere in the world
In these strange times, watching shows online is more important than ever. In March, a study found that Internet usage had increased 70% since the beginning of the pandemic. The demand for online streaming services rose even higher. Experts in … [Continue reading]
Dysfunctional Hard Drive Diagnostics – Part 2
We previously wrote an article on issues that you may encounter with a hard drive. You need to take the right steps to diagnose the issue. Some of the diagnostic procedures that you will need to follow are listed below. Steps for Diagnosing a … [Continue reading]
8 Principles of ISO 9001 Requirements
We previously wrote an article on the importance of quality control in software development. There are a number of principles to consider. One of the best sets of guidelines is outlined under the ISO 9001 standards. What is ISO 9001? You can find … [Continue reading]
How Do You Diagnose a Failing Disc? – Part 1
You need to know what steps to follow to learn and identify the causes of a disc that is not working and not being recognized by Windows or your computer. How to check the SETUP or BIOS settings. There are many possible symptoms in connection with … [Continue reading]
Microsoft Debacle Emphasizes Importance of Quality Control in Software
Microsoft set off a chain of criticism when it rolled out its Windows update in 2018. This was a huge debacle that created a lot of frustration for countless customers, which reflected poorly on Microsoft’s brand image. Microsoft responded by … [Continue reading]
Top Computer Video Games in 2020
The PC gaming market is maturing, but it is also very robust. The market will be worth $30.71 billion by 2022. It is growing at a pace of 2.2% a year, but the sluggish growth reflects the fact that it is already so large. New gamers are often … [Continue reading]