If you are serious about creating independent video content, you probably have a YouTube account set up. And why not? YouTube is one of the most popular and budget-friendly video content-sharing social platforms in the digital space today. When … [Continue reading]
Key Steps to Improving Your Digital Marketing Knowledge
A decade ago, digital marketing was sold to small business owners as an extremely cheap and remarkably easy way of gaining visibility and connecting with consumers — and that might have been true a decade ago. These days, however, digital marketing … [Continue reading]
Why is it worth getting an online university degree?
When it comes to looking into the job market, you might be in for a bit of a shock. Even experienced job seekers get surprised by the current expectations held by many companies when it comes to recruiting employees. Not because they are expecting … [Continue reading]
Protecting Your Data: How to be a No-Nonsense Digital Nomad
If you have mastered the art of tactfully shielding your screen from the prying eyes of onlookers, you are probably well on the way to being comfortable with working from anywhere (it’s all about choosing the right seat in the café). To truly … [Continue reading]
Best Replacement for HP Ink Cartridges
Cartridges for inkjet printers can seem glaringly overpriced. While brands capitalize on consumable supplies, customers have cheaper alternatives. If you have an inkjet printer by Hewlett Packard, you are not obliged to get those expensive name-brand … [Continue reading]
How Long Does It Take to Hire Vue Developers?
Businesses spend a lot of time and money on the hiring process; this is especially true when it comes to hiring Vue developers. About 90-95% of companies underestimate how long it really takes to hire a new employee. But only some of them understand … [Continue reading]
8 Top-Rated Block Storage Solutions
Block storage offers a high-performance solution to traditional file storage in SAN environments. It works by dividing data into separate “blocks,” all with a unique identifier. Block storage is excellent for cloud users looking up their speed and … [Continue reading]
How to Develop Your Crypto Exchange Business

Cryptocurrencies have entered the mainstream, and even the most conservative governments are starting to realize that they are poised to affect the global economy in the future. The market for cryptocurrencies is projected to be worth $2.2 billion … [Continue reading]
Creative Commons Images for Your Web Projects
Do you know which images from the Internet you can reuse and which you can't? Do you know Creative Commons? There is a misconception that all the images you find on the net, just because they are on the Internet, are free and can be used as you want … [Continue reading]
Best DNS Providers of 2021 – Part 3
Here is the last installment of the best DNS providers of 2021. We hope it helps! DNS.Watch Okay, all that stuff about adding layers of customization and blocking some pages is fine. But you also have other alternatives like DNS.Watch, who … [Continue reading]