Video Covering Why is My Internet So Slow – Browser Issues – Part of our Fix Slow Computer tutorial found onĀ
Transcription of Video:
Hi, this is Jacob with, and in this video series we are covering, “Why you’re computer is so slow?” In the previous five videos, we’ve covered multiple tips on how to speed up your computer overall because most of the time it’s not just one issue it’s several issues and going through those several different issues we’re going to find the one that’s the main problem for you.
In this particular case, we’re going to take a look at the browsers, Firefox, Windows Explorer, as well as Chrome. If you haven’t already watched the other videos, I highly recommend you do because we have done it in a certain series for a reason. However, in the description below this video, you are going to see a link to the playlist. And that playlist is going to have all the previous five videos for this on how to speed up your computer. As we’ve already talked about, when your computer itself is fast but the web browser itself is slow, it could be a poor internet connection.
But let’s say you have a fast internet connection. Well, it could be that you don’t have enough memory which we already covered. It could be not enough disc space which we already covered which is unlikely. However, a major thing that I found with a lot of browsers is going to be the extensions that people are using. And over time you just start adding in all these extensions that are auto loading on you in the browser, and they can actually have a very big negative effect on page load time.
First up here, we’re going to take a look at Chrome. So I’m going to go to the Dialogue Box, and we’re going to go ahead and go under Settings. And under Settings we’re going to go and jump to the Extensions tab and under the Extensions tab we’re going to see the Extensions that have currently been added onto my web browser. Now some of these, let’s say, it’s like a coupon bar or some other tool bar that can be slowing your system down and your web browsing experience down.
So you know I want RoboForm there. It’s something I use everyday. I love the program. You know, these other ones I have in here that I use. So I’m not having any issues either, but I would recommend you go through your extensions. And if you’re not using some of the extensions, the add-ons there, I definitely would recommend you go in and you remove them.
Another thing that you can do is go under Settings and if you scroll to the very, very bottom, you’re gonna see Show Advanced Settings. And then scroll to the very bottom of that, you’re going to see that Reset button right there at the bottom. And what this Reset button is going to do is it’s actually gonna delete all the cookies. It’s gonna delete everything within Chrome and basically let you start fresh or you can uninstall it and reinstall it. What that’s going to do is just gonna put on that fresh copy for you in case it was having issues before.
Now you would have to reinstall your add-ons and your extensions and the like, but it’s something that is recommended from time to time, especially if you’re experiencing a lot of issues with your browser. And this will eliminate it as not being the cause of your internet being slow.
Next up, we’re going to hop over to Firefox. Firefox is basically the same process almost. I’m going to go to the Dialogue Box there. In the Dialogue Box I’m going to go to Add-ons and under Add-ons here’s my Extensions. Then I can go through and say, “Do I want these, do I not want these?” Try to eliminate some of these and I did find, especially with Firefox, that if you have Firefox crashing on you far more than usual, it’s probably an extension or a plugin. So go through and make sure that you want everything there. And if you don’t, just remove it and chances are that can help, especially if it’s a toolbar or something that is causing ads on your computer.
So there’s a lot of adware out there that gets thrown in this. The adware shows extra ads and pop-ups and the like on your system. That’s just nothing fun. You can also go in through the plugin section too as well and see if there is a plugin that you are not using anymore. So if you’re like well, you know what? I haven’t used Google Talk before. I never plan on using it. Why not remove it, right?
Then we’re going to see here that my Java Platform is out of date. I can actually click to update it, and that can help stabilize the browser too as well and help eliminate some of the issues overall. This is with Internet Explorer now, and I just find it funny here. Here’s an ad on Google’s home page to get Chrome, just adorable.
So I’m going to go to the Dialogue Box there. We’re gonna go ahead and go under Internet Options. Under Internet Options, oops, that’s not what I wanted. I wanted dialogue box. I was getting ahead of myself. I want to go to Manage Add-ons. Under Manage Add-ons, this is where you’re going to take a close look at the Tool bars and Extensions because this is the area that can be causing you a lot of the issues. You can go through this and just remove any plugins, any Tool bars or Extensions in here that are possibly slowing down your system. If the URL or a browser hijacker or something may have changed your search default. You can always go in and change that around too as well.
So this is where you might be having some issues with Internet Explorer. So I’d recommend you go through there. In worst case, what you can do is go ahead and restore the defaults in it. So now we are going to go the Dialogue Box. You’d be going to Internet Options. And under Internet Options you’re going to go to Advanced. Under Advanced, there’s a Reset button right here and what it’s going to do is it’s going to restore Internet Explorer to the Default settings.
So if there was something internally wrong due to a configuration and that’s why pages are loading really, really slow for you which is really, really common especially after, let’s say, a malware infection, then that should definitely help solve some of your problems there.
That is it for this video. Now, like I said, this isn’t necessarily your issue that you’re having, but it’s an issue that goes under the slow computer. And chances are if you go through this as well as the previous five videos, you’re going to figure out what’s going on with your system.
In the next video, we’re going to be talking about malware and just some quick free ways of doing a quick scan on your computer. Just to make sure your malware free because that’s a major issue as to why a lot of people have either slow internet or slow computer overall, besides not enough memory or not enough virtual memory or the multitude of issues that we’ve already described in the previous videos.
That’s it for this video. I hope it helps. If you liked the video go ahead and hit the like button, comment, share, and the like. It’s all appreciated. Thank you.
Here are the complete links to the Slow Computer Tutorials
Repair a Slow Computer – Virtual Memory Boost
Slow Computer – Removing Junk Temp Files
Slow Computer – Optimizing Slow Starting PC With Startup Menu