There are several methods of navigating the site, including the main menu, side menu, and a crumb trail. There are also context menus and previous/next links within guides, articles and tutorials, and finally a site map giving an overall site image. There were a number of principle aims … [Read more...]
Site Design Information
The current PCTechGuide design uses CSS layout to achieve a clean look, with clear navigation options to make the information easy to find and easy to read. Launched in December 2008, we hope the change is considered for-the-better by regular visitors, and that new visitors will find a … [Read more...]
Background to the PC Technology Guide –
PCTechGuide has grown from a personal hobby site into a world respected resource for computer technology guides and explanations. The principles of the site haven't changed, however: What we learn we share was once a tacit principle, but is now a guiding motto. To explain the background and … [Read more...]
Advertising on PCTG is one of the oldest and most respected tech websites and is maintained by Brain Box Consultants LLC. Thousands of universities and educational institutions link to the world leading technology explanations, articles and guides here. The three million+ page views annually … [Read more...]