You can confirm that the Find Fast Indexer is installed by checking for its associated file set, located in the folder in the topmost level in the hierarchy of indexed folders. So, assuming that the entire :C drive has been indexed, the files will appear in the :C root. Remember, by … [Read more...]
What is the Find Fast Indexer?
The Find Fast Indexer is a utility that builds indexes to speed finding Microsoft Office-suite documents when you've forgotten their filenames, but know certain text strings they contain. It is installed on your computer when you install Microsoft Office 97, a shortcut called Microsoft Find … [Read more...]
How to Disable Find Fast Indexer?
If you attempt to disable the Find Fast control panel by simply removing the Microsoft Find Fast shortcut from the StartUp group, the following problems may occur: The index files are not removed from the hard disk. The size of these index files depends on the number and size of Microsoft … [Read more...]