People that are accustomed to working in Windows environments often cringe when having to work with Mac computers. But, sharing folders from OS X with Windows computers is not the pain that it used to be. OS X has native support for the Microsoft Server Message Block. This means you can configure a … [Read more...]
How to Effectively Use the Hash Tag
The big players in social media are Facebook, Instagram, Google, Pinterest and Twitter. They have been the cornerstones of social media for some time now. And, one thing that all of them have in common is the use of the hashtag or the "#". Social media is not just for people to talk about their … [Read more...]
How Often Should You Shut Down Your Computer?
Many people wonder if they should shut down their computer each day or leave it on. Furthermore, they wonder how often they should shut down their computer if they do leave it on. There are many different schools of thought on how to answer this question, but there are a few factors that play into … [Read more...]
Google Chrome Shortcuts
Google Chrome is a very popular Web browser. It is my browser of choice because it is fast and secure. It is also very flexible and comes with many safe plugins for you to install to expand its usefulness. But, perhaps one of the best things about Google Chrome is all of the shortcuts it has that … [Read more...]
Google Drive Offers New Level of Protection
Protecting your data is an important topic these days. It seems every day when you turn the TV on you are hearing about some new data breach. And, these are only the major ones we are hearing about. There are thousands of people every day getting data stolen that we do not hear anything about. Then, … [Read more...]
What is Ransomware
We talk a lot about different viruses and malware on PC Tech Guide. But, there is one particular strain of malware that is becoming increasingly troublesome. It is called ransomware. Simply put, ransomware is software that holds your PC hostage until you pay money to get your computer or files back. … [Read more...]
Edit and Create Power Profile in Windows 7
Different computers have different power needs. Sometimes a computer may need its full resources most of the time so it needs full power. On the other hand, other computers may be able to get by with limited power. Furthermore, the type of computer can play a role. A laptop, for example, may need to … [Read more...]
Get free VoIP Calls with Facebook Messenger
Voice over Internet Protocal, or VoIP, has become increasing popular in the last few years and has revolutionized the way that we make calls. This technology allows you to talk to friends and loved ones all over the world for next to nothing. Not to be left out of the fun, Facebook has decided to … [Read more...]
Why Did No One Tell Drivers About This New Rule?
Do not pay your next car insurance bill until you read this… May - (2015): Your Current car insurance company doesn't want you to know this but as someone who loves to save money and someone who loves to share what they learn, I want you to know. The simple truth is car insurance rates are … [Read more...]
Change Computer Name in Windows 7
When you install Windows 7 for the first time you get a random generated name for your computer if you accept the defaults. Many times, this name will not make any sense to you. Furthermore, you may get an OEM version of Windows that will have an even more nonsensical name associated with it. … [Read more...]