The rumor mill has been churning for some time now about the release of the latest and greatest Andoid operating system. Well, its time has finally arrived, and it will be known as Marshmallow. It follows in the footsteps of previous foodstuff-inspired Android operating system releases, including … [Read more...]
iOS9 Coming for iPad
The new iOS for the iPad is coming soon. This new OS will contain several updates and changes to the iOS that many people have been waiting for with anticipation. It is coming soon to all of Apple’s mobile devices, but the changes that are on tap will benefit the iPad a great deal. Here are a few … [Read more...]
Lesson’s Learned from the Ashley Madison Hack
The most recent hack to make the headlines is the Ashley Madison hack. It is making news mainly because of the sensational nature of the sight to begin with and the sordid details that are available regarding its membership base. However, there are some lessons to be learned regarding security for … [Read more...]
Don’t Jailbreak Your iPad Until You Read This
People have been jailbreaking iOS devices for quite some time in an attempt to make them more useful for their specific needs. Sometimes, they find that the device is too constraining for what they need so elect to use jailbreaking as a way to increase its functionality. However, you can bet that … [Read more...]
How to Lock Your Mac and Make it Secure
PC security is a topic that many of us do not think about. And, many Mac users believe that their PC is invincible when it comes to security. The truth is that if you do not properly lock your computer up when it is not in use then you are leaving your files open to people to do what they will with … [Read more...]
Cut Energy Costs in Data Center
If you have a data center, there is a good chance that it is eating up energy and costing you a pretty penny. The costs of maintaining a data center can quickly ge tou tof control. many people do not realize the costs that running a data center entail. This article will go over some of the ways that … [Read more...]
Two Factor Authentication Is Now Easier Than Ever
Protecting the information you keep online is becoming more important than ever. Having an extra layer of protection is almost required as a single password just does not cut it anymore. Therefore, two-factor authentication has become more popular recently. The knock against two-factor … [Read more...]
Microsoft Offering New Office 365 Plans
Microsoft recently announced its plans to phase out their current Office 365 E4 suite and replace it with a new, premium package known as E5. While a release date has yet to be specified, Microsoft has stated that they intend to make the product available by the end of this year. What does this mean … [Read more...]
The Beta of the El Capitan OS is Here
The new El Capitan OS by Apple will be release this fall for the Mac. There is a beta option for you to try out if you can’t wait to check it out To do so, simply head to Apple’s website and sign up for the Apple Beta Software Program. However, for those who’d rather learn a bit more about El … [Read more...]
How to Charge Your iPhone Faster
Yes it is a First World problem, but it is very frustrating to find your iPhone dead when you are getting ready to go out. You may see that dreaded red bar on your iphone and come to the realization that you have less than 20% of power and are going to be away from a charging station for a long … [Read more...]