The process of separating a child from parents has never been easy for anyone. At the initial stages of a child’s socialization (kindergarten, school), children’s smartwatches will be of great help to modern parents. In addition to telephony and GPS tracker functions, modern children’s smartwatches are also equipped with functions for exchanging short messages with parents, a fitness tracker, an alarm clock, a camera, and other useful things. How to choose the best smartwatch for your kid — read below.

Why Do You Need a Children’s Watch?
Many parents are wondering what is better – a smartwatch or a phone. According to the source, the main advantages of a smartwatch compared to a phone are the following:
- It quickly sends a signal for help in case of a dangerous situation.
- The watch is constantly on the wrist, it is more difficult to lose or break it.
- The gadget is always visible, so the child will not miss your call.
- A limited choice of entertainment so that the student is not distracted in the classroom. The most common entertainment apps for kids’ smartwatches are educational programs, and apps to encourage physical activity.
- The lack of functions also affects the battery power – the smartwatch does not discharge as quickly as the phone.
Before purchasing a kids’ smartwatch, decide on the features you require. The functionality of the devices influences their price and purpose. Pay attention to durability: case materials, dial, and strap. It is better for small children of preschool age to buy shock-resistant watches, while for teenagers – a more functional device.
Key Features You May Need
All functions can be divided into two groups: basic and additional. The first group is present in almost every model and is needed for its efficient operation, the second – expands the functionality of smartwatches.
More often, parents are looking for gadgets that determine the location of the child. This feature is found in all children’s smartwatches, but it works differently in many models. The most accurate method for determining geolocation is GPS. To make the obtained coordinates more reliable, an LBS scanner and Wi-Fi are also built into the best children’s smartwatches.

Among the other features, we recommend considering the following ones:
- Calls – parents will be able to call the child and vice versa. Moreover, you can select the type of notification: sound + vibration or only one mode.
- Voice and text messages – text messages are sent only one way – from the smartphone to the watch. Voice notifications can be sent in both directions.
- In an emergency, the child can hold down the SOS button for a few seconds and send out an alarm.
- Pedometer – it tracks the number of steps taken per day. An excellent opportunity to control the physical activity of your child.
- Video call – it facilitates communication with peers and adults. In addition, it is also a good control tool – you can check the location of the child at any time.
Kids smartwatches can be used by toddlers from 3 years old. They have simple, intuitive controls that even the smallest ones can figure out. The characteristics of the watch must be age-appropriate. Accessories with basic functions are suitable for preschoolers, while a teenager needs a simplified version of an adult gadget.