We recently published an article on three major technology trends to expect in 2020. We wanted to share some more in this piece.
Hyperautomation: the revolution of the machines
We are talking about the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in automation, that is to say, that the manual tasks are not only done automatically but also that they improve and learn automatically -machine learning-.
Hyperautomation will allow processes to be analysed, measured and monitored automatically in order to redesign them and make them more efficient. And all in an autonomous way and done by a machine.
Intelligent, but safe houses
Thanks to AI and the Internet we are more connected than ever before. Our mobile phones are smart phones, our homes are smart homes and our speakers are smart speakers. With so many smart devices in our homes, we are leaving some doors open without realizing it: it is time to put virtual armored doors to our house and, therefore, to our privacy.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is very useful but also very unsafe if not used properly. Last year Spain was the country most punished by cyber-attacks through this type of device. And in 2019, more than 100 million attacks on IoT devices have been detected worldwide.
For all these reasons, it is expected that the trend in 2020 will be to work towards better virtual security of our homes.
Advertising on smart speakers
And speaking of smart things, it seems that the ‘smart speakers’, who have been living their golden age for a year now, are going to fall on the dark side too. How else would they continue to make themselves rich companies like Google or Amazon? Of course it seems clear that these giants want to take advantage of the pull of their products.
Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri, who do I understand better?
Alexa, Assistant and Siri, who understands me better?
Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri, the digital assistants who have become the new centre of digital life in the home, will probably now not only help you to get your bearings or tell you what the weather is going to be like, but will also whisper in your ear the announcement of a wonderful hairdryer on the very day you break yours… be very careful!
7.- Online media by subscription
Newspaper readers are increasingly digital. California alone will end the year with 17.5 million daily readers, the digital format is growing by 12% and paper is declining by 9%. And advertising is not enough to guarantee profitability, so the media are starting to use the model of online paid content subscriptions.
The national daily ‘El Mundo’ was the first generalist to implement content charging, but this model is also present in regional newspapers of the Vocento Group.
Streaming, the ultimate king
Netflix uses a system of recommendations according to your user behavior, this is how the platform picks the best movies on netflix based on your preferences.
What Netflix knows about you and how it uses it to make you devour one chapter after another
It’s no secret: Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+ and soon Disney+ are dominating the audiovisual world. In 2019, the consumption of streaming video – over-the-top (OTT), free to air – has equalled the consumption of free-to-air TV.
This phenomenon has extended to the audio sector with platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music or Google Play Music; and also to video games with Google Stadia as a pioneer.
Expansion of the use of biometrics
Another star technology, already in use today, but with a long way to go is probably biometrics: fingerprints, the retina, the iris, facial and vein patterns of the hand or the geometry of the palm represent examples of physical characteristics that can be ‘measured’ and used for personal identification.
And increasingly our mobile phones use these constantly evolving technologies, which is expected to expand both its uses and the devices it can be incorporated into. Facial recognition can currently be considered the most secure system of identification, as well as one of the most popular.