There are clearly a lot of positive things about AI. However, it is not a good thing for everyone. One of the things that many people are worried about is that AI may take certain jobs.
Graphic designers are among those most concerned about the impact of AI. A number of redditors on the graphic_design subreddit have shared their thoughts on the topic.
Most Redditors Seem Concerned AI is Going to Take their Graphic Design Jobs
u/truthfulie feels companies will prioritize cost-effectiveness over quality in the future. This can have a negative impact on the art profession.
“I don’t necessarily think of generative AI is all bad especially for art. (As funny as they are/were, early AI hallucinations are interesting and I think they could be turned into something interesting, even if as a starting point or reference.) But what we do is design not art and I do feel that design will have less and less demand just because companies wants things done quickly and cheaply without much concern for quality and even the quality part may not be a concern in the future. I do think taste will remain important and relevant for a while though as you still need a human with intention and direction to prompt AI.”
u/backstabber81 shares this feeling.
“No matter what, with ai developments there will be less jobs for designers, more than anything because they will be more efficient and there aren’t enough jobs for everyone.”
Many Clients Aren’t Happy with the Results of AI
u/Kooky_Frosting4991 reports that some of their old clients let them go to use AI instead. But they weren’t happy with the results and wanted him back.
“I had a client cancelling my service because they wanted to do it in on their own with ai. Now they don‘t sell shit anymore and they wanted me back. So fuck AI. If you do it right, graphic design is not dead. But you have to step up your game.”
AI Can Be a Great Tool for Designers
Not all graphic designers on Reddit feel that AI is all bad. Some are starting to look for the silver lining and considering using AI as a tool to help with their craft. u/hickorybell believes that it can help with better understanding UI and UX.
“IMO the age of telling designers to learn to code / take dev boot camps and all that has passed. With the direction that AI is going, unless you dive deep into backend development, the average designer will benefit greater from understanding UI/UX capabilities, how to prep assets for web/app implementation, and how to to use AI as a tool. Learning how to code at this time is like learning house to fix up a typewriter: it’s cool and can have some niche functionality, but it’s not going to matter much in the long run. Thoughts? Opinions? Haikus?”
u/Crystal-794 also quoted their art professor saying that AI can be a good tool and not to be afraid of using it.
“I know that many of you are pretty much against the thought of AI taking away jobs and how it can be misused. I recently got to use Mid Journey as part of my internship to create a book cover as it waswhat the publishing company I am under recommended that I use and I will admit I do like using it. That doesn’t NOT mean that I am pro AI as there are still some problems that linger with it. But I remember my art professor told me a few weeks before I graduated was to not be afraid or angry towards AI and try to figure out how AI could be helpful for us. Because let’s face it, the art world is changing and we have to adapt to it.”
What is the Future of AI for the Graphic Design Profession?
If you go by the opinions of graphic designers on Reddit, the future is pretty bleak. Many of them are very worried about AI taking their jobs. However, it is still too early to say what the future is going to be for the profession. Many people may still find it is worthwhile, especially since they can use AI tools to create great graphics more quickly than ever.